App Defaults Edition 2024

· 1 min

The hype surrounding the App Defaults is apparently entering the next round and as something has changed for me compared to last year, I am of course happy to take part again. If you don't know what to do with it, you can listen to Episode 097 (Duel of the Defaults) of Hemispheric Views again. And these are mine for the year 2024: Mail Client:…

Got my 2nd (generation) RingConn and am very satisfied

· 1 min

Do you know that? You want track your fitness, sleep and other data, but you don't want to strap a butt-ugly smartwatch to your wrist because you prefer to wear real watches that don't need to be constantly charged because they have a nice automatic movement. Don't you? Well, that's how I feel. That's why I backed the 2nd generation smart ring…

Testing some analogue techniques to improve my mental health

· 1 min

As I'm still dealing with mental health struggles and I've also been diagnosed with ADHD, I've been trying to get more organised over the last few months. In addition to digital tools like Obsidian, Calendar and Reminders in iOS, I've made myself an analogue notebook in the style of a traveller's notebook and cheekily recreated the Task & Time…

Sorry, nothing is happening here right now

· 1 min

Very little is happening here at the moment. That's partly because I'm currently isolating myself from any news, and partly because I'm still working on my own solution for posting on Bluesky and Mastodon and not making much progress. Unfortunately, work on the Webring has also come to a standstill. But hey, I made a video with a mate on the…

I'm now using EchoFeed to POSSE

· 1 min

With EchoFeed I have now found a workable solution to throw my posts into the social media. In the meantime, I had relied on, but I think I'm better off with EchoFeed, as I'm only interested in distributing my content to Bluesky and Mastodon and don't need an additional blog that presents the same content. EchoFeed is also significantly…

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